Note: The official conference language will be German.
Panel Communicator

MDR and Social Media
Floods in public service broadcasting
Sven Jahny
(Foto: Privat)
Sven Jahny is Production Manager Telemedia at Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) and analised the role of MDR during the floods in 2002 and 2013.

Crisis Communication of Aid Organizations
Case Study Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.
Julian J. Rossig
(Foto: JUH)
Julian J. Rossig is head of communication/fundraising at Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. Saxony. During the 2013 flood, he coordinated all communication efforts with media, volunteers, and donors. For its contribution to an effective communication effort, his team was nominated for the prize "Public Relation Department of the year".

Natural Catastrophes and Disaster
Bundeswehr aid programmes
Stephan Seeger
(Foto: Privat)
Stephan Seeger M.A., is Managing Director and Member of the Board of Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig. As a colonel in the reserve, Seeger was head to the District Liasion Command Leipzig (Bezirksverbindungskommando Leipzig) and ‘Commissioner of the German Armed Forces for civil-military collaboration in the district of Leipzig’ between 2007 and 2015.

Call to Action
Civic engagement via „Fluthilfe Dresden“ on facebook
Daniel Neumann
(Foto: Holm Roehner)
Daniel Neumann (27) was co-founder of the Facebook group „Fluthilfe Dresden“ in 2013. Currently, he works as team leader digital marketing at MOPO Sachsen (MOPO24).

Disaster Control 2.0
Spontaneous voluntary support during the flood
Veronika Lowke
(Foto: Privat)
Veronika Lowke is Deputy Director of the Association of Saxon Counties, where she is responsible for civil protection among others. As expert she was delegated to Flood Rebuilding Staff of Sächsische Staatskanzlei from June until September 2013.
Panel Analysis

State and Municipalities under pressure
Retrospective analysis
Hans-Peter von Kirchbach
(Foto: JUH)
Hans-Peter von Kirchbach, General (retired), was among others Chairmen of the Independend Commission of the State Goverment of Saxony for investigating the Flood Disasters 2002 and 2013. Having worked in the Bundeswehr since 1960, von Kirschbach became famous especially through his dedicated action as a responsible commander during the Oder flood in 1997. Having served as the President of Johanniter Accident Assistance until 2013, he introduced the reinforcement of the honorary office.

To inform and to participate?
Crisis Communication during flood disasters - old structures and new challenges
Dr. Christian Kuhlicke
(Foto: Privat)
Dr. Christian Kuhlicke is Senior Researcher at the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). He investigates the meaning of communication between institutions and public during the floods of 2002 and 2013.

Information Systems and Data Exchange between Czech and Saxon Institutions
Dr. Jan Daňhelka
(Foto: Privat)
Dr. Jan Daňhelka worked as hydrologist forecaster of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI). Currently, he works as a director deputy and a head of hydrology division of the CHMI responsible for operation of the national hydrological service. He is a chair of the Czech National Committee for Hydrology and a member of Advisory Working Group of the WMO Commission for Hydrology.

A european security system for language and image analysis
Prof. Gerhard Heyer
(Foto: Privat)
Gerhard Heyer holds the Chair on Natural Language Processing at the Computer Science Department of the University of Leipzig since 1994. He also works as one of the directors of the Institute for Applied Informatics (INFAI), which is an adjunct institute of the University of Leipzig. His field of interest is focused on automatic processing of natural language text with applications in the area of text mining, information retrieval and search as well as knowledge management.

Terminology in Specialised Communication and Social Media
An overview focussing on natural disasters or flood disasters
Dr. Raffaella Panizzon
(Foto: Privat)
Dr. Raffaella Panizzon holds a PhD in English linguistics from the University of Padua (Italy) and is specialised in audiovisual translation and foreign language learning and translator training. Her background includes i.a. translation and corpus studies, terminology and terminology management. She currently works as research assistant in the European project Slándáil and is part of the University of Padua team tasked with multimodal/multilingual data aggregation, language analytics and system testing.
Slándáil Natural Language Processing
Presentation software prototype 1
Alexander Stumpfegger

Panel Discussion: Experiences and Prospects
Guest: Prof. Joachim Scharloth
(Foto: Privat)
Prof. Joachim Scharloth holds the Chair on Applied Linguistics at the Technical University in Dresden. One of his fields of interest is focused on big data analysis of political language as well as communication of social movements. Besides he is also interested in data security and security informatics.