Download Press Release 08.11.2015
Journalists, researcher and representatives of public authorities discuss innovative approaches on crisis communication
Leipzig, 8. September 2015
When the surging waters of the rivers Mulde, Weißeritz or Elbe flooded several regions in Saxony in 2013, at the same time a large amount of information flowed through the networks of public authorities, mass media and social media. This information plays an important role in times of crisis, for the displaced people, the volunteers and the authorities who are responsible.
The conference “CommunicationFloods“ will focus on the information flows during the flood disasters in 2002 and 2013 in Saxony. Politicians, journalists, public authorities, emergency services, researchers and aid agencies will have the opportunity to share expertise and to present practical approaches for innovative crisis communication on the internet.
Conference Center: Mediencampus Villa Ida, Poetenweg 28, Leipzig.
Date: 9.20 Uhr – 17.00 Uhr, 6. November 2015.
„Flood prevention and protection is a task for people of all ages. Catastrophes can occur ad hoc and they are a great challenge to our communications, for which we must be prepared,“, Dr. Lutz Mükke, Organiser of the Conference and Academic Director of The European Institute for Journalism- and Communication Reseach, points out.
The speakers include Veronika Lowke (Associaton of Saxon Counties), Prof. Maria Teresa Musacchio (University of Padova), Dr. Christian Kuhlicke (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research), Hans-Peter von Kirchbach (Kirchbach-Commission), Dr. Jan Daňhelka (Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Prag), Sven Jahny (MDR), Stephan Seeger (Bundeswehr) and Prof. Joachim Scharloth (Technical University Dresden) among others.
Closing date for registration is 15.10.2015.
Press Kit with detailed information is available online:
The Conference “Communication Floods” is sponsored by HochwasserKompetenzCentrums e.V (HKC), the media foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig and Institute for Applied Informatics e.V. (InfAI).
The EIJC team looks forward to welcoming you at the conference!
Dr. Lutz Mükke
Academic Direktor
Europaen Institute for Journalism and Communication Research (EIJC)
Menckestraße 27
04155 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (0)341/ 56 29 66 95
E-Mail: muekke [at]